Version main of the documentation is no longer actively maintained. The site that you are currently viewing is an archived snapshot. For up-to-date documentation, see the latest version.

Migrate to Hugo Modules

Convert an existing site to use Docsy as a Hugo Module

TL;DR: Conversion for the impatient expert

Run the following from the command line:

cd /path/to/my-existing-site
hugo mod init
hugo mod get
sed -i '/theme = \["docsy"\]/d' config.toml
mv config.toml hugo.toml
cat >> hugo.toml <<EOL
proxy = "direct"
path = ""
hugo server
cd  my-existing-site
hugo mod init
hugo mod get
findstr /v /c:"theme = [\"docsy\"]" config.toml > hugo.toml
(echo [module]^

proxy = "direct"^


path = "")>>hugo.toml
hugo server

Detailed conversion instructions

Import the Docsy theme module as a dependency of your site

At the command prompt, change to the root directory of your existing site.

cd /path/to/my-existing-site

Only sites that are Hugo Modules themselves can import other Hugo Modules. Turn your existing site into a Hugo Module by running the following command from your site directory, replacing with your site repository:

hugo mod init

This creates two new files, go.mod for the module definitions and go.sum which holds the checksums for module verification.

Next declare the Docsy theme module as a dependency for your site.

hugo mod get

This command adds the docsy theme module to your definition file go.mod.

Update your config file

In your hugo.toml/hugo.yaml/hugo.json file, update the theme setting to use Hugo Modules. Find the following line:

theme = ["docsy"]
theme: docsy
"theme": "docsy"

Change this line to:

theme = [""]
"theme": [

Alternatively, you can omit this line altogether and replace it with the settings given in the following snippet:

  proxy = "direct"
  # uncomment line below for temporary local development of module
  # replacements = " -> ../../docsy"
    extended = true
    min = "0.73.0"
    path = ""
    disable = false
  proxy: direct
    extended: true
    min: 0.73.0
    - path:
      disable: false
    - path:
      disable: false
  "module": {
    "proxy": "direct",
    "hugoVersion": {
      "extended": true,
      "min": "0.73.0"
    "imports": [
        "path": "",
        "disable": false
        "path": "",
        "disable": false

You can find details of what these configuration settings do in the Hugo modules documentation. Depending on your environment you may need to tweak them slightly, for example by adding a proxy to use when downloading remote modules.

Check validity of your configuration settings

To make sure that your configuration settings are correct, run the command hugo mod graph which prints a module dependency graph:

hugo mod graph
hugo: collected modules in 1092 ms v0.0.0-20230802202706-f0c25837a3fe

Make sure that three lines with dependencies docsy, bootstrap and Font-Awesome are listed. If not, please double check your config settings.

Clean up your repository

Since your site now uses Hugo Modules, you can remove docsy from the themes directory, as instructed below. First, change to the root directory of your site:

cd /path/to/my-existing-site

Previous use of Docsy theme as git clone

Simply remove the subdirectory docsy inside your themes directory:

rm -rf themes/docsy

Previous use of Docsy theme as git submodule

If your Docsy theme was installed as submodule, use git’s rm subcommand to remove the subdirectory docsy inside your themes directory:

git rm -rf themes/docsy

You are now ready to commit your changes to your repository:

git commit -m "Removed docsy git submodule"

Last modified July 6, 2024: docsy 英文官方文档 (5113740)